Ingo Krossing studied chemistry in Munich (LMU) and finished his doctoral thesis 1997 (with Prof. H. Nöth). From 1997 to 1999, he worked as a Feodor Lynen postdoc with Prof. J. Passmore at UNB in Fredericton, NB, Canada. In 1999, he started his independent career as a Liebig-, and later a DFG-Heisenberg-Fellow at the Universität Karlsruhe (TH) (mentor: Prof. H. Schnöckel). 2004 he changed as an assistant professor to the Ecole Polytechnic Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), before being appointed Chair of Inorganic Chemistry at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg in 2006.

His research interests cover ionic systems from reactive cations to ionic liquids, over electrochemical energy storage to the development of unified acidity and reducity scales.

Curriculum Vitae Ingo Krossing


1999 to 2002     Habilitation, Mentor: Prof. H. Schnöckel, Universität Karlsruhe (TH; now KIT), D.

1997 to 1999     Postdoctoral Fellow with Prof. J. Passmore, University of New Brunswick, Canada.

1994 to 1997     PhD, Dissertation supervised by Prof. H. Nöth, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, D.

1988 to 1994     Diploma, degree courses in chemistry at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, D.



Since 2016         Member, Freiburg Center for Interactive Materials and Bioinspired Technologies FIT.

Since 2006         Member, Scientific Advisory Board of the small company IoLiTec (

Since 2006         Member, Freiburg Materials Research Center FMF (

Since 2006         Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry (Chair), University of Freiburg, D.



2012 to 2019    Member, BASF Scientific Network on Electrochemistry and Batteries (that closed in 2019).

2015 to 2017    President, ADUC-board of the GDCh (Work group of German Chemistry Professors).

2013 to 2018    Member, ADUC-board of the GDCh (Work group of German Chemistry Professors).

2013 to 2014    President, board of the Work Group Fluorine Chemistry of the GDCh, (

2011 to 2017    Scientific Director of the Freiburg Academy of Science and Technology FAST.

2011 to 2014    Vice-president, board of the Wöhlervereinigung für Anorganische Chemie of the GDCh.

2007 to 2010    Member, board of the Wöhlervereinigung für Anorganische Chemie of the GDCh.

2007 to 2012    Member, board of the Work Group Fluorine Chemistry of the GDCh, (

2004 to 2006    Assistant Professor, EPF Lausanne, CH.



2024                    Selected as a Chemistry Europe Fellow, Class of 2022/23 (link).

2022 to 2027    Award of the ERC Advanced Grant InnoChem.

Since 2020         Member, National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (

Since 2018         Member, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences (

02 to 07/2018   Visiting Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.

2016                   Egon-Wiberg-Lecture at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, D.

2012 to 2017    Award of the ERC Advanced Grant UniChem.

2010 to 2013    Senior Fellow, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies FRIAS, University of Freiburg.

2006                   Otto-Klung-Weberbank-Prize (

2004                   Academy-Prize for Chemistry, Academy of Sciences Göttingen, D.

2004                   Heisenberg-Fellow of the DFG.

2002                   ADUC Jahrespreis für Habilitanden (2001), ADUC-GDCh, D.

1999 to 2003    Liebig-Fellow, Fonds of the Chemical Industry, D.

1998 to 1999    Feodor-Lynen-Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation AvH, D.



03/2020 Co-Chairman/Co-Organizer of the Coordination Chemistry Days, Freiburg, D (300 participants). 

04/2019 Chairman/Organizer of the Freiburg Inorganic Days, Freiburg, D (120 participants). 

09/2014 Chairman/Organizer of the German Fluorine Days, Schmitten, D (150 participants). 

03/2012 Chairman/Organizer of the Chemiedozententagung, Freiburg, D (450 participants). 

09/2010 Chairman/Organizer of the Wöhler Tagung, Freiburg, D (250 participants). 

Member of the Steering Committee of the International and European Symposia on Fluorine Chemistry.



2015 to 2018     Stellvertretender Dekan (deputy dean) of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

2013 to 2015     Prodekan (vice dean) of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy.

2010 to 2013     Head of the B.Sc. and M.Sc. admission and study commissions of the faculty.

2006 to 2008     Prodekan (vice dean) of the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy.



 2024-present    (Re-)elected Review Board Member, DFG Fachforum 2, Chemistry, Fachkollegium 321.

Since 02/2020   Elected DFG-Fachkollegiat (Review Board Member) of the DFG-Fachforum 2, Chemistry.

I serve as referee for all major scientific journals (incl. Nature and Science) and funding organizations including DFG, NSF, PRF, ERC, EU COST, AvH, DAAD, Estonian Research Council, FFW Austria, DBU, NWO Netherlands, and more. In addition, I also served in institutional evaluations, e.g. for the Wissenschaftsrat.



Since 2019        Founding member, GDCh Work Group on Phosphorus Chemistry.

Since 2009        Founding member, GDCh Work Group Chemistry and Energy.

Since 2006        Member, Work Group Fluorine Chemistry of the GDCh.

Since 2006        Member, American Chemical Society ACS.

Since 2002        Member, Wöhlervereinigung für Anorganische Chemie (Inorganic Section) of the GDCh.

Since 2001        Member, German Chemical Society, GDCh.